Life is about The Grind.
We believe in PPP… aka the Power of Purposeful Play.
Click the ‘+’ buttons to find out more! If you’re a parent or community member and you’d like to ask questions or get involved, the orange button below will take you where you need to go.
Skateboarding has countless parallels to everyday life. Outside of getting kids off their phones for a while as we teach skate techniques, we’ll also be having open discussions about how the lessons relate to other aspects of life. For example, learning that failure is a part of the process, or that impressive skills are often a result of compounding smaller, simpler fundamentals.
“The GRIND Program” was created to reach interested youth, particularly at-risk youth, by meeting them in an area of common interest. We use skateboarding, a sport that often attracts the disengaged and sometimes rebellious youth, to create an opportunity to speak truth into their lives. With this program, we can provide them with the feeling of being counter-culture within the walls of a safe and positive environment that is actively encouraging positive behavior instead of reinforcing negative ones.
What makes “The GRIND Program” truly special is our partnership with MISD and their after-school tutoring program. Students who meet their behavioral and academic goals during tutorials are rewarded by being able to spend their last 15 minutes with our skate club or they can even “graduate out” of tutorials and join us full-time.
A Free Skateboard!
“The GRIND Program” is a spring program we host at Mineola Middle and High School. Students who go through the entire program will graduate and be gifted their skateboard, pads, and helmet they’ve been using just in time for summer!
The curriculum will simultaneously teach important skate lessons and essential life lessons. Below is an example of how it works!
Skate Lesson:
Day 2: How to fall off your board properly.
Day 4: How to Push Off
Day 5: Getting comfortable on your board.
Life Lesson:
Day 2: You’re going to fall in life. The important thing is how you get back up.
Day 4: How well you start something is how well you finish it.
Day 5: Keep your eyes on where you’re headed and not where you’ve been.
We need your help!
We can’t seem to stop growing! We’re trying to make sure every kid has pads, a helmet, and a complete skateboard this year and every year to follow! Help us make that a reality, click the button below to find out how to donate.
Here’s a Gallery of Last Year