The next generation is here, and they’re not looking to wait. It’s time we equip them.
A.R.T. House
The Artistic Recreational Therapy House or A.R.T. House is a community center reimagined. Technology, mental health, entrepreneurship: the focus of today’s youth, and of our project. - A.R.T. House is a place to learn, grow, create, heal, communicate, collaborate, and be safe.
We want you to make it.
Digital Art.
Part 01 of A.R.T. House, a digital media lab filled with the tools to create your wildest, boldest, or deepest thoughts. A highlight of this space are the public desktop PC’s outfitted with everything from Adobe Workshop to Twitch Streamlabs and Steam. Whether you’re the next Cole Bennett or the next Kai Cenat, we’ve got everything you need.
Physical Art.
The classics: paints, pencils, clay, yarn. The new age: screen printing and spray paint. Plus everything in-between. Part 02 of A.R.T. House includes a massive multi-purpose area for classes and lessons, or for artists to have the space to do their own thing.
Audio Art.
A place to learn, collaborate and develop, part 03 is a professional-grade music and podcast studio with an emphasis on growth. Nicknamed “The Mudroom", the studio’s focus is expression and communication. It’s a place to knock the mud off your boots and provides the tools to shape and craft your thoughts into something inspired.
Your Mental Health Matters.
You need a safe place to hang out, tools to vocalize and express the thoughts in your head, and people who have been through it to help support you however you need. Flint & Steel is a network of resources, and A.R.T. House is designed the same way. I don’t know what you’re going through, you may not even know how to say it yourself right now. This space is for you to understand yourself better, and then eventually learn how to respond and adapt to those stressors in your life. But it starts with expression. Your mental health matters to us.
Like what you’re seeing?
We’re still working to make this thing happen! Check out our ‘Get Involved’ page to see how you can help!
Let’s make it happen.
A.R.T. House is a big project, it’s going to take a village. We have lots to do and lots still up in the air. If you want to be apart of the movement, have questions, or have heard enough and want to donate, click the “Get Involved” button below to get in contact with us.